Wednesday, November 04, 2009
I saw the funniest thing this morning. I went into CVS pharmacy to get some much needed Sudafed for my cold. As I was walking back to the pharmacy counter, I passed a display that advertised "Old Fashioned Penny Candy". I thought, "Hmmm...that's kinda cool." Then I saw the price... 2 for $3.00!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
innocent eyes... smiles... Starbucks... fluffy pink slippers... dishwashers... bleach... a pot of hot soup on the stove... warm baked bread... little toes... hugs... kisses... freshly washed clothes... baby wipes... piano lessons... reading Harry Potter books with my son... Boy Scouts... public schools... United States Air Force... sacrifice... the cross... family... fellowship... holidays... birthdays... health... mornings... fresh starts... apologies... computers... blogging... Cubbies... teaching... bubbles... cellphones... friends... babies... children... flowers... princesses... pink... questions... little minds at work... cool breezes... mountains... oceans... movies... books... chocolate... fresh blueberry muffins... sippy cups... timeout carpets... husband... God's word... shower gel... candles... fireplaces... perfume... uncontrollable giggles... life... love... home
Friday, February 27, 2009
Yesterday I was able to help a friend. What I did and who I did it for are irrelevant. The amazing part of the experience, aside from helping someone I like, was the way that God was completely and obviously the author of the whole thing. I had laid on my heart for the last few weeks to help this friend. When I approached her and told her what I planned to do for her, she said that it was the very thing that she had been wanting and had stated so to her husband just a few days earlier. How wonderful that God saw her need and met it so quickly and how wonderful for me that he allowed me to be a part of filling that need. So, my gratitude for today is that God sees me as a tool for His good and pleasing will and purpose on this earth. What an affirmation of love that my Father sees me as a capable and useful daughter. I just love Him for that!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Yesterday's ladies bible class was wonderful. [Let me give a shout-out to Ms. Lori who does an excellent job teaching and has a wonderful way of humbly and gently presenting a lesson and encouraging wonderful discussion.] Our lesson was on gratitude. We ended our class time by going around the room and having each person state one thing they were grateful for. It was so uplifting to hear each sister, young and old, share the gratitude of her heart. So often we, let me make this personal, I am remiss in voicing my gratitude, but have no problem voicing my irritations, frustrations and complaints. So, in keeping with the spirit of the class yesterday, I am going to spend the next week blogging about something I am grateful for in my day.
Today's gratitude has to do with my shower. Don't get nervous...this is a G-rated blog. When I got out of the shower today, I noticed that it was rather warm and steamy in the bathroom. I didn't run the water any hotter than normal...then it hit me...I had an uninterrupted shower. Some of you may be scratching your head and saying "so what". But, if you are a mother of young children or have ever been a mother of young children, you know what an amazing and rare event that is. I had no little voyeurs peeking in or constantly fanning the bathroom door open and closed. So, thank you Lord for the small gift of an uninterrupted shower. It meant a lot to this daughter of yours.