a great day to be a Woman...
Ok...I admit it...you were bound to find out sooner or later, but I am a registered Republican. I really struggled with this decision in college. I love the "help the downtrodden" philosophy of the Democrats, but I couldn't ignore the fact that my morals seemed to line up more with the Republican party. I come from a family who has always taught, "vote for the man, not the party." So, every election, I decide my vote based on this philosophy.
This year is no different. I have listened to the speeches and the debates on both sides and have again sided with my party. I hope that this doesn't offend my Obama-supporting readers, but I am a McCain-Palin supporter. I am awed at John McCain's story and how he has overcome so much to serve this great nation of ours and how he always looks for the good in our country and it's people.
The thing that excites me the most about this election is Sarah Palin. Look, I know that she is human and she is not perfect. But her wonderful human flaws mean that she is a lot like me. I am proud that we have such a beautiful, no-nonsense, articulate and down-to-earth woman representing us in this election. I am proud that my daughter was born during a time when women are not bound by their gender, but by the measure of their character. I am raising my daughter to be God's girl in all things and to follow His purpose for her life. Whether that leads her to a life of raising her children at home or to the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office...it's a great day to be a woman.
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