A treasure trove of the sometimes logical and sometimes mindless ramblings of a woman in the throws of motherhood.

Friday, October 10, 2008

a Great way to Wake Up...

I was awoken this morning by my precious 4 year old son. He told me that he didn't feel so good and proceeded to throw up all over me, my bed and the floor. After all of the clean-up, I think that I am still in shock. Two things that I am extremely grateful for this morning: David (who came home to help me clean it all up) and Lysol. Carter, of course, is feeling much better and mad at me, because I won't give him whatever he wants to eat. "C'est la vie"...that's life!

1 comment:

Lori said...

What a wake up call! I bet you got a shower first thing this morning, huh?
Glad Carter is feeling better.