A treasure trove of the sometimes logical and sometimes mindless ramblings of a woman in the throws of motherhood.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

the Tooth of the matter...

The boys and I had dentist appointments today. David went along with me to act as law enforcement. It's kinda hard to watch and discipline your children when you have sharp hooks and people's hands in your mouth.

I decided, on my dentist's suggestion at the last visit, to let Genevieve watch as I had my teeth cleaned. The thought was that seeing Mommy successfully and painlessly make it through a cleaning would encourage her not to be frightened when she went for her first visit this fall.

She was so adorable. She kept telling me that she loved me and what a good girl I was being. At times, she would even clap for me during what must have seemed, to her, very arduous moments. She even got to get a brand new toothbrush and a visit to the treasure chest just for letting Dr. Harrison count her teeth. It was a wonderful and delightful experience.

I think if all people had a Genevieve next to them during a dentist visit, there would be a lot of better looking teeth in the world.


III said...

Good to see you pop into cyberspace for a moment

myletterstoemily said...

how adorable!