A treasure trove of the sometimes logical and sometimes mindless ramblings of a woman in the throws of motherhood.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

a lesson in Modesty...

Genevieve and I have already had a lot of conversations about modesty. Well...conversations may be too big of a word (she is, after all, only 3)...mini-lessons really about being modest and how that translates into the real world. She often asks me..."Is this modest?" We get to discuss this quite a bit when we go down her favorite pink aisle at Target.

Last night, at AWANA, she went "shopping." (The children earn AWANA bucks for all the verses that they learn, attendance & bringing their bibles and books each week. Then, they turn them in for various toys and prizes.) Well, she came running out of the store quivering with excitement, held up a Barbie and exclaimed, "Look Mommy! I got a Barbie that's NOT modest." The moment was so funny that I was instantly distracted.

When we got home, she wanted to open the doll, but I began to realize that I could not in good conscience let her play with this doll. We had a discussion about the situation and I told her that she should not have bought the Barbie when she knew it was immodest. I also confessed that I did not make a good decision...I should have taken her back in the store and had her trade the doll for something else. So, we decided that Barbie could not come out of the box until she was dressed modestly. She and Carter instantly suggested that we borrow clothes from other dolls, but I explained that those dolls would then be dressed immodestly.

Realizing that this lesson was more important than getting her to bed on time, Genevieve and I headed out to Target to go clothes shopping. She picked out a sweet little dress for Barbie...complete with purse...and laid down her head on her pillow proud of herself. I too lay down peacefully...knowing that this lesson was about so much more than a Barbie outfit, but about the heart of my cherub faced 3 year old, who is blossoming all too quickly into a woman.
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." --I Peter 3: 3-4


emily said...

too sweet. i remember when isabella was little, and she would be playing church with her barbies. she'd make them repent for the way they were dressed. :)

Julie said...

That is too funny!!