Do you ever have one of those moments where you are feeling stupid and sorry for yourself? I am having one of those nights. It's probably being brought on by the fact that my husband is out of town and for the first time, since the move, I am completely on my own to contemplate.
I really love living in Texas. My heart feels as big as the state every time I go outside and feel the wind in my face. That has probably been the one thing that has "saved" me since moving here. But here I sit, kids in bed, with nothing to do but wallow. I wish I had a close friend that I could call up to come over and sit on the couch with me. We could drink a cup of tea and she wouldn't care that I was feeling sorry for myself or that I looked like I was feeling sorry for myself. I have had a handful of these kind of friends throughout my life...and it's their faces that I wish I could see right now.
That is the hardest thing about military life. I love the adventure of moving and living in different places. If I lived 200 years ago they would say I have "wander lust". My romantic heart sees the true beauty in all of the places that we go. But there is that shy part of me that takes a really long time to foster the type of relationship that I am craving. I have a very outgoing, charismatic husband. He is the complete opposite of me. It's what drew me to him and what I love about him. But, I think I tend to hide behind him, peering out until it is safe to test the waters myself. Only to find, the packers are coming and it's starting all over again.
how i long to hug you dear i have experienced those very same i wish we could walk down the steps or across the courtyard to wallow on one of our old plaid hand me down watch a friends eat scrapbook...the list goes on...
hugs across the country to you!
Book Club!!
Make it happen, Jules
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