A treasure trove of the sometimes logical and sometimes mindless ramblings of a woman in the throws of motherhood.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

spilt milk...

So...I have to admit that I cried over spilt milk this morning.  I literally cried out over spilt milk.  I had the two youngest children settled at the breakfast table and was just going to get my shower when I heard..."oh no!"  I looked over at the table and Carter had spilled his entire bowl of cereal.  It was on the table, the floor AND my child.  As I looked at the milky white waterfall cascading from the table and the lake of sodden Cheerios, I lost it.  I sent the soaked child up to his room to change clothes and then started to clean up the sticky, milky mess...grumbling and mumbling all the way.  It wasn't pretty and I am not proud of myself.  I cannot stand cleaning up spilled milk.  It seems to seep into every crack and crevice.  And no matter how well you clean it up, a spot or two invariably gets missed and then it gets sour.  Ugh!  I come by this honestly.  My mother has the same aversion.

So...why am I confessing this to you?

To let you know that you are not alone.  Maybe it's not over spilt milk, but we all have those moments where we lose it with our kids and act in ways we wish we hadn't.  Motherhood is hard and these moments happen...we are human...but they don't have to define us.  GRACE goes a long way in building up a strong family...grace toward our kids and toward ourselves.

I did apologize to Carter for fussing so much about the milk.  He, of course, had a big smile and a "that's okay Mommy" for me.  I sure do love that kid...spilt milk and all!!

15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. 16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Hebrews 4:15-16
New International Version (NIV)


Karla said...

you would've loved to witness the time that i spilled the milk. actually if i had it on video, i'd be rich. there's a step up from the kitchen to our dining area. on my way to the table my toe didn't quite make the clearing and me, my full bowl of cereal and milk came crashing down. it happened so fast i had no way to stop the inevitable! under the table is a large area rug which soaked up most of the milk (grrrrrrrrrrr) and milk and cereal were EVERYWHERE! my toe hurt as well as the rest of me that landed splat on the floor so i had a mixture of tears and laughter as well as shouts "hurry and get the wet vac!!!! hurry and get this milk out!!!! get outta my way!!!! grrrrrrr!!!!" :)

all funnies aside, i hear what you're saying. i hate those moments when i just lose it and am clearly operating on my own will and not His. later when i look back it's heart breaking to review over my reaction and realize how dramatic and unnecessary it was! so yes. i am thankful for grace. His grace. as well as my sweet girl's grace that she graciously extends. (and then probably makes mental notes of her momma's craziness for later). :)

Julie said...

I would have paid money to see that!! Thanks for sharing your own "spilt milk" moment. Sometimes it's hard to see your way out of the moment to the bigger picture. I am so thankful that those moments seem to be fewer as the kids seem to get older... and more able to remember them. GRACE!