A treasure trove of the sometimes logical and sometimes mindless ramblings of a woman in the throws of motherhood.

Monday, February 15, 2010

a Change will do ya good...

I just recently received a comment from a fellow blogger that I did not know. I went to her blog and was very intrigued by what I saw, both in visual aesthetic and content. She got me thinking...

I have been held captive by the provided templates that our great blogger site provides. Although they are nice, none represent the me that I would like to share with the world. So, I decided that the time had come for a change. I went to my favorite designer's website and found what I was looking for. Ninety-nine cents and 30 minutes of tutorial help later... I present a new and improved "Momblings." It is a much better representation of me and hopefully an inspiring and visually pleasing place for others.

1 comment:

His Song to Sing said...

Very nice new look, Julie! I think I've got some changes in my future too but am waiting for a blog/photography course I'm taking in March to see what she suggests.