A treasure trove of the sometimes logical and sometimes mindless ramblings of a woman in the throws of motherhood.

Monday, October 20, 2008

movie #2...

Here is another film that Dawson created, starring his brother. You may have to turn up the volume to be able to hear all of Carter's dialogue. What makes this funny is his pronunciation of "grim reaper"...his speech impediment makes it an adorable "gwim weeperw."


III said...

These are outstanding!

I remember watching "the extras" on the DVD of "Saving Private Ryan." And one thing Speilberg talks about is how he used to make home movies like this as a kid, and most of them were about WWII -- which was on-going or had just happened in his life.

Even if Dawson isn't the next Speilberg, I think it's great that you & Dave are encouraging this fun stuff. Tell Dawson that "Mr. Phil loves the videos."

Jeff said...

"Mr. Phil" ???

Isn't that your dad? ;-)